About MDSP



With the objective to provide safe shelters during cyclones, tidal surges and other natural calamities, government of Bangladesh has taken a project titled Multipurpose Disaster Shelter Project (MDSP) under the World Banks climate resiliency and disaster management program. This project is inherited from ECRRP (Emergency Cyclone Recovery and Reconstruction Project) which was undertaken after divesting effect of the super cyclone SEDAR in 2007.

MDSP is a World Bank funded project, implemented under the LGED with the assistance of CDM Smith Inc. of USA and Development Design Consultants Ltd. (DDC) of Bangladesh as its’ Design and Supervision (D&S) consultants. In addition to IDA credit of USD 375 million, Bangladesh government is funding USD 1.7 million in this project. This USD 376.7 million is going to be used in financing the construction of 556 new shelters cum schools, rehabilitation of 450 existing schools, construction or rehabilitation of 550 km of connecting roads and construction of 500 meters of culverts and bridges.

It will help approximately 17 million people of 20 districts which include 9 districts of coastal belt as well as several other districts vulnerable to natural calamities like cyclones, tidal surges and frequent flooding. Apart from being used as safe shelters, these constructions will be used as primary schools, year round as well as centers for social and government programs. It will help people in engaging with each other and creating a hub through bringing them together during various social and cultural functions.